State of Kuwait
As a result of Iraq’s invasion and occupation that began on 2 August 1990, Kuwait sustained significant and widespread environmental damages, including loss of habitats and disturbance to ecological equilibria. Upon evacuation, the Iraqi troops set fire to over 700 oil wells in several Kuwaiti oil fields, with significant amounts of toxic metals and carcinogenic constituents released into the atmosphere for several months. Approximately half of the oil evaporated and more than a million barrels were confined in large pits carved out of the desert. These massive emissions caused serious concern over possible catastrophic environmental consequences within and outside the Gulf region.
In addition to the damages caused by the release and burning of oil and destruction of oil wells, the desert environment also suffered from fortifications and military movements. The groundwater deposits were impacted in many places by the seepage of oil and chemicals through the layers of sand. These damages were of epic proportion and much of whatever little was available as natural environment was lost during and in the aftermath of war.
Further, at least 80 ships were sunk during the Gulf War, many of which carried oil and ammunitions. These shipwrecks still represent a chronic source of contamination of the marine environment.
The following damages were recognized:
- Contamination of freshwater aquifers to an extent of millions of cubic meters in North Kuwait, namely Raudhatain and Umm Al-Aish;
- Over 800 miles of coastal area contaminated with oil;
- A long man-made trench filled with oil (over 4.7 km) ;
- 6.25 kms of military fortifications obliterated the balance of desert ecosystem;
- 271.5 km² of tarcrete deposition (mixture of desert sand and gravel combined with oil and soot to form a layer of hardened "tarcrete")
- 163 wellhead pits, resulting from blown out oil wells on land;
- 114 km² of desert area severely affected by dozens of oil lakes and over 26 million m³ (cubic meters) of contaminants that need to be removed into landfills.
In addition to the the above, further damage resulted as a result of the disposal of ordnance, unexploded ordance (UXO), and desert, coastal, and marine ecosystems were disturbed.
In recognizing the need for large scale environmental remediation and restoration, the Commission awarded approximately US$3 billion in compensation to the State of Kuwait. Overviews of the projects being undertaken by Kuwait with these award funds are set out on a per claim basis below.